Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Tips To A Longer Living Laptop

1)Treat your laptop properly.
Do not drop it. Especially when it is on. Quite obvious, you don't need anyone to teach you how you should handle fragile objects.
Every Laptop should be treated with care unless it is a Toughbook.

2)Monitor the temperature.
The number 1 enemy of electrical components is heat.

Laptops should be subjected to as low a range of temperature exposure possible.
From boot when it is the same temperature as Room Temperature after which you boot the system and start playing games then it heats up to 90 degrees flat in 30 minutes (depending on your laptop heat dissipation capabilities).
Rapid heating and cooling causes a lot of stress to the electrical components so make sure temperature is < style="color: rgb(102, 0, 0); font-weight: bold;"> and using the computer on your bed is not advocated as
there are vent holes located on the bottom of the casing on most laptops.

One additional note is high temperature can result from design fault (either components high TDP or poorly designed fansink modules).
There are 2 solution to this.
1)Passive Hard Modification to improve the design to improve heat dissipation, to do that you have to use your brain and some common sense together with your knowledge on heat from your younger days lessons.
The most common solution by consumers not willing to think out of box is to buy laptop coolers,
to me it is a waste of money since all laptop are suppose to be able to dissipate the heat they produce in normal operating environment not to mention laptop coolers inhibit mobility and consume extra power.

2)Return it to the OEM and prove that it is indeed overheating and request a refund most likely replacement will not help since it is a design fault.

3)Limit the max processor state can also bring down temperature at the expense of performance (An Exception is undervolting which brings down temperature and power consumption without inhibiting performance).

Another enemy of electrical components is an electrically conductive liquid.
When moving from a cold to warm place especially in areas with high humidity keep it off and wait for temperature to equalize before booting to prevent short circuit.
Everyone knows impure water is a good conductor of electricity.

4)Disk Activity
There are recent talks on data security yes.
There are paranoid among us that like to sanitise disk free space.
Unless you have expert snooping around the laptop or you are selling it off, I am sure just a normal delete (Removal of file pointers) is sufficient. Try not to stress the harddisk unnecessarily.

I am sure you must be thinking I forgot something along the lines of malware etc.
For this there are malware which attempts to write rubbish into your Firmware Chip killing the laptop immediately.
However you must know for a Malware to spread it mustn't kill the host, so such malware is rare as it totally killed the system before it can use the system to propagate.

For 90% of the Malware it can be remove by a full format so it won't in anyway kill or shorten the lifespan of your hardware (Maybe some extra disk activity when you are doing a reinstall, but then again a mechanical device is doom to fail at some point in time).

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