Friday, December 4, 2009

Acer Aspire 4530 Actual Fan Control

I found the actual control variable of Acer Aspire 4530 Fan.
It is actually a hex value located in the EC.
To access the EC Control Variables, Download and install Rw-Everything.
Next run the program.
Select EC Button to view the EC Variables
You should see the following as shown below:
If you set it to 13 then click done, you will quickly hear the fan spining at maximum speed.
Other values between 0-13 also alter the RPM but there are also values in between that does nothing.
Happy Experimentation!


  1. hai weinter!thanks for superb tutorial.however i just wan to know is it possible to make the modification permanent so that fan can spinning at maximum speed at all time?

  2. Nope, by right ACER BIOS ACPI is supposed to do this.
    I requested a fix from them but they rejected me flatly with a generic customer support reply.

  3. Hello. I tried everything possible to retain manual control over fan in acer 6935g, but in vain. Please if you hve any thoughts post it here. Thanks

  4. Hello again. After all I believe now that fan speed is regulated by gpu temperature somehow. My fan kicks low exactly when temp reach 50 deg. and mid when temp reach 60, and full when 70 deg. And Iwant it on full after 60 deg. If anyone have some thoughts on this please write what you think here. By the way my model is 6935g with nvidia 9600m gt. Thanks forward....

  5. I think you can try the following.
    Open RW-Everything leave the FAN EC Table open.
    Remember the hex values on the table.
    Try to invoke the fan to spin up then see which value have changed.
    Try entering different value for the value that have changed see if the fan spin up.

  6. The EC only changes when the fan speed and temperature changes so try to keep only one program open. To invoke the temperature to rise try using Furmark.

  7. Thanks for help here. I have monitored reading in E C and found 4 temp readings and fan values vhich changes from 01 to 05 (min to max)depending on gpu temp. And if I try to alter them they justspeed fan for second and then go back to level which is dependant on gpu temp at the moment. So if any thoughts further please write here and if needed more info or data from my side please ask. Thanks again

  8. Remember the position of the hex value which spin the fan.
    Then add and experiment bigger values there is one which set it to max spin permanently.
    For example try 05,06,07... until the value fixes and the fan spins at maximum
    Different laptop model different value and position.

  9. Remember after increasing the value wait for 3 seconds to see if the fan spins up.

  10. There are two hex values next to each other and they change both to 01 when gpu reach 50deg. And they can go up to 05 both for max rpm. But when i change them no mather which value I enter they just spin fan for sec and get back to either 00 or 01 depends if temp is under or over 50 deg.?

  11. And I dont know if this matters but cpu temp is shown only as when pc just starts it never change no matter which program i use or which OS is installed. Dont remember for shore now but not even in linux vould be possible to read temp changes. Therefore my first statement that fan is regulated after gpu temp.

  12. I have 2 blog entries on Acer Fan Control Program can you try 1810tray and set the fan to spin on high?

  13. I tried all of the programs out there ment for fan controlling none have vorked :(. Tried that one you pointing to and one other on same side think so. No luck

  14. Have you tried all the alpha numerical hex values?
    From 00 to FF

  15. Yes I did, but somehow its like some mechanism which check actual temperature of my gpu and switch it back imidietly to aproprietary level. I tried also to change this two values I think show temp on gpu and then fan spins up but again values go back to actual temp and fan acording to them :(. All this is Ok actually becouse this gpu is pretty cold and temp never goes over 80 deg. Only reason I want to gain control over fan is to be possible to overclock my gpu to max. Best score I have gotten so far is 7226 in 3dmark06 and Iknow it can go litle bit more with fan on max. Again thanks for your patience with ne here :)

  16. This is for an Extensa 5635ZG with Bios V1.3311, but maybe it works on other models too:

    At Offset 0x55:
    Fan turns off with value 0x20
    Fan auto (bios control) with 0x00

    At offset 0x5E:
    Change fan speed level from 1-4

  17. By using RW Everything, I found that the fan status is reported in the EC at offset 0x63, with values of either 0,1,2. This offset seems to be only a sensor, since if I change the value, it reverts instantly to the current fan status, without ever changing the fan speed.

    Question: is this the offset I have to change, or is there another offset I have to find that would enable me to set the fan speed?

    I'm on a Dell Studio 1558, and the fan trips on at about 40C, which equates to every minute or so while idling, and almost constantly while the CPU is working.

    Any ideas? Thanks!

  18. I remember there is a tool for Dell to control laptop fan.
    You can try googling i8kfan.

  19. Yes, I've tried I8kfan, but it doesn't work with the new Dells (program was last updated in 2007).

    Is there a way to find out what EC I have, and then find the data sheet that would tell me what offsets control what devices?

    Or is there a faster way to experiment with changing values, rather than manually testing 256 values for 256 offsets?

  20. You can also google for 1810tray programmed by someone who owns an Acer not sure if it will work for Dell.

  21. thanks, admin, for all the help... unfortunately that ACER program doesn't control my fan; Dell must be using a different Embedded Controller. How did you discover the offsets to control your fans?

  22. Found something...
    Fan status was at 0x63, and could not be controlled.
    But, if I changed 0x60 from 40 to 20, then 0x63 changed to FF, and the fan was locked in whatever status it was running before...

    So, if I switch 0x60 from 40 to 20 while the fan is off, the fan stays off no matter what happens to the CPU temp (a dangerous setting).

    Now to find a way to modify the setpoints to make the fan trip at a particular temperature... ?

  23. I discovered by poking around the EC for the AS4530 it worked.
